Church Leadership

There are two types of teams at First UMC. First, our Administrative Teams (Finance, Trustees SPRC) are slated by the Nominations Team. Second, our Program Teams recruit people to do the hands-on work of the church under each ministry umbrella (Missions, Worship, Congregational Care, and Age-Level ministries).

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is comprised of the Chairpersons of the Administrative Teams and two At-Large Members. They meet monthly to…

  • Collaborate work among the teams.

  • Evaluate current ministries so that programs are supported and remain focused on the mission.

  • Innovate by researching and developing new ministries & community partnerships. If you have an idea for a new ministry, the Leadership Team is the place to bring it.

  • Communicate among the congregation, church leadership, and the surrounding community to create a healthy culture of cooperation and inclusivity.

Administrative Teams

There are four Administrative Teams that accomplish the technical work of the church. Members of these teams are put forth by Nominations and approved by the Charge Conference*.


Ensures that the church's financial resources are used effectively to support the mission. Duties include developing a budget, financial management, and stewardship education.


Responsible for the supervision, oversight, and care of all church property, buildings, and equipment. Supports the mission by ensuring that the physical resources are available, safe, and well-maintained.

Staff Parish Relations

Responsible for fostering healthy relationships between the congregation and the church staff. Oversee the hiring, evaluation, and support of the clergy and staff (similar to a Human Resources Team).


Ensures that the church is led by capable and spiritually mature individuals who support the mission. Identifies leaders, prepares and presents a slate of candidates for elected positions to the Charge Conference*.

Program Teams

In addition to the Administrative Teams, there are Program Teams organized around a specific ministry area.

  • Missions Ministry: Oversees coordination of all mission ministries of the church

  • Worship Ministry: Assists with worship set-up, ushering, communion set-up and serving 

  • Congregational Care: Offers compassionate care to at-home members

  • Age-Level Ministries (Children, Youth, and Adults)

Church Council

The Church Council accomplishes the legislative work of the church as they approve policies and make large-scale decisions. The Council meets quarterly and is comprised of The Leadership Team and nine At-Large Members. The At-Large Members provide oversight and accountability to the Leadership Team. At-Large Members are put forth by Nominations and approved by the Charge Conference.

For a list of our current leaders, click here.

*Charge Conference – held annually and presided over by the District Superintendent to ensure that proceedings are conducted in accordance with The Book of Discipline. Members of the Charge Conference include the pastors and members of the Church Council. Primary purposes are the review & evaluation of the church’s ministry and the election of leaders.